What are you afraid of? It’s
important to know. For some it’s failure. If you’ve always been a high achiever
and now you are striking out into uncharted territory where the outcome seems
uncertain, you may be fearful. If you’ve had a couple of failures, you may fear
failing again. Some fear success: Who
will I become if I succeed? What will happen to my relationships? Will my
new-found success take so much of my time that I will need to neglect my loved
ones to remain successful? What will my
life look like once I succeed?
It’s important to understand this: Fear and trust
cannot co-exist. If you really trust yourself and trust the process, the fear
will greatly diminish. Think of other successes you’ve had. If you’ve had some
failures, congratulations! It means you ventured out of your comfort zone and
had the guts to try something. Remember how you bounced back. Think about the lessons
you learned from those failures which you couldn’t have learned any other way. Think
about the value you have to offer. Think about the people who love you. Think
about those who admire and respect you. Think about the fact that you are
taking this step by step in a way that you can manage and feel comfortable. You
get to define success. Success is whatever you need it to be to love your life
and feel successful. It isn’t just about income. It may include maintaining
healthy relationships. It may include ensuring time for your own health and
It’s OK to feel fear. If
the goal doesn’t scare you a bit, it’s probably not worth achieving. But don’t
let the fear keep you stuck. Feel the fear and go for the goal anyway. There’s
no doubt that your life story has included many interesting twists and turns, joys and concerns, victories and, hopefully, some failures. The journey toward this goal will be likewise.
Trust yourself. Put your seat belt on and enjoy the ride!
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