Tuesday, July 18, 2017

8 Reasons to do a Summer Job Search

Don't stop or put off your job search until the fall. Here's why:

  • Many others will put off their search meaning there's less competition. 
  • In some industries, summer is their slowest time. Many companies also have to put major projects on hold while many people are out on vacation. In both cases, companies will use this time to conduct interviews.
  • Taking time of is expected: Your boss won't think it's strange for you to take off a few days in both July/August. You could even take a whole week to dedicate to the search.
  • Potentially shorter interview process: With lots of people taking time off in the summer, interviews with multiple people have to be carefully coordinated, possibly squeezed into one day, or even one step eliminated entirely. The flip side is interviews that could have been accomplished in two weeks may take longer if key people are away, so patience will be key.
  • Temporary summer positions have the potential to become permanent employment: It's hard to find good help these days. Do an outstanding job and you just might get yourself an offer for a permanent position.
  • Better weather means better moods: People tend to kick back and be a bit more relaxed during the summer - and that includes hiring managers. Summer might be the best time to meet them for an interview.
  • Easier transition: Summer tends to be an easier time for transition into an office with fewer people around. By the time the office is back to full staff, you'll have a good chunk of your learning curve behind you. Also, if you have children, making a move in summer means no switching schools mid-year.
  • See summer social activity as networking opportunity: It's perfectly natural for people at social events to spend some time talking about work, and summer tends to offer an abundance of barbecues, picnics, reunions, etc. Don't be shy. Talk to as many people as you can. Find out who works where, keeping in mind good connections you have that might be of interest ot them.  Do some homework to see if any openings exist that might be a good fit for you, and then follow up with your new connection in a timely manner.